Sports Injuries

Injuries in sport can be a result of a direct trauma, whilst participating in sport, or from other external factors, such as over-training. You’re at risk for sports injuries if you haven’t been regularly active and don’t warm up properly before exercise. 

Different types of sports injuries include;

  • Sprains – overstretching or tearing of the ligaments that attach two bones together.  
  • Strains – overstretching or tearing of the muscle or tendon that attaches muscle to bone
  • Fractures – are breaks of the bone. Ranging from a thin crack to a complete break 
  • Dislocations – bone is forced out of its socket and usually remains where it is not supposed to be

These types of injuries can occur throughout the body the most commonly seen sporting injuries are listed below;

ITB Syndrome – Commonly referred to as runner’s knee this usually presents with pain on the to the side of the knee and underneath the patella. TIghtness in the ITB band and overdevelopment of the quadriceps relative to the medial musculature leads to the patella drifting across and rubbing on its underside. 

Rotator Cuff injury – The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles. The supraspinatus is usually the culprit. The tendon travels underneath the AC joint and can become torn. Pain sleeping on the side and lifting the arm up above 90 degrees are the usual giveaways. 

Tennis/Golfers Elbow – Tennis elbow is much more commonly seen in the clinic as the common extensor tendon is the most overused muscle in the forearm. This repetitive strain injury can be quite debilitating. 

Osteopathy and dry needling are both very effective at treating  these conditions and getting to the root cause of the issue. 

Treat Your Most Painful Sports Injuries - Maximise Health Group
Sports injury in children


Prevention is better than cure! If you are getting regular treatment you are keeping those niggles and aches and pains at bay that can eventually lead to more serious sprains and strains.  

If you are unfortunate enough to get injured seeing one of our practitioners as quickly as possible is the best thing you could do. RICE is out. Active movement and gentle exercise is now prescribed for most sporting injuries. Seeing one of our practitioners will ensure you are doing what you can safely to speed up your return to play. 

Part of our care for our guests is to make sure everyone leaves with a tailored exercise programme and in the case of those wanting to participate in sport these will include sport specific strengthening exercises. 


1/3 of all injuries in children are sports related. Aside from the obvious strains and sprains that come about through mis-fortune. There are two major injuries we see in clinic are linked to over-training and require treatment to allow return to play.

Osgood-Schlatter’s disease – overuse of the quadriceps leads to micro-fractures in the growth plate of the tibia. Common in 8-14 year olds.

Sever’s disease –  overuse of the calf muscles leads to micro-fractures in the heel. Also common in 8-14 year olds. 


These are some of the  most common sporting injuries we see in the centre on a regular basis, and we are confident of returning you to the field of play in a surprisingly short amount of time. 

  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • ITB Syndrome
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
  • Meniscus sprain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Tennis/Golfers Elbow 
  • Shin splints 
  • Hamstring strain
  • Osgood-Schlatter’s / Sever’s disease 
  • Sciatica